How To Deface Websites?

Everyone who is new to hacking, the first thing that they want to learn is how to deface a website, root the server or how to crack cPanels of the website. In this post I will be telling you how hackers manage to break into a website- deface it, symlink it, root the server etc.

So let's start.

SQL Injection

SQL Injection is one of the most widely and commonly used method for hacking and breaking into the website. For performing SQL Injections attacks, manual approach as well as automated tool approach can be used. You can find SQL Vulnerable sites from here

For Automated SQL Injection
SQL Injection using Havij Automated Tool
SQL Injection through SQL Map
SQL Injection with you Android Phone

Download Havij Pro version from here

For Manual SQL Injection
Manual SQL Injection
MySQL Injection
Hack Admin Panel of a Website with SQL Injection

Hacking a Website on Shared Server.
Suppose you have a website which is hosted on the server with an IP address and you want to shell this server and have to access a particular site and deface it.
So to accomplish this task you can use bing, Learn it from here

Broke into the admin panel? confused now what to do?
Now, you are finally into the administrator panel of the website. Now you next task is to upload a shell. So for that find a upload forum, and shell it with Live HTTP headers, learn this from here.
Sometimes server security is tight so it is difficult to get you shell executed. If you face any similar kind of problem, here is the solution.

To upload you shell on Joomla refer to the post -> How to Upload You Shell on Joomla
for Wordpress go here -> Upload You Shell on Wordpress

Learn hacking wordpress and joomla sites from here

You got your shell up on the server. Now you can simply deface it. Root the server, mass deface it. symlink it.

How to root a server
How to crack cPanel
How to mass deface
Mass defacing script
How to Symlink

Got doubts? Comment below and get you query solved.
How To Deface Websites? How To Deface Websites? Reviewed by Almas Malik on 04:23 Rating: 5

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