Mobile security infestation [Infographics]

The explosion in popularity of mobile devices has changed the way that people go about their daily lives. Their reliance on the efficiency and speed of these gadgets has made location--often--irrelevant. However, with the reliance comes risk; the number of viruses and hackers lurking for unencrypted data has risen dramatically over the past few years, a number closely related to the rise in smartphone and tablet usage over that same period of time.

This infographic, provided by, is an interesting look at mobile security, how it is being exploited, and the future of safe usage on mobile an interesting look at mobile security, how it is being exploited, and the future of safe usage on mobile devices.

 Russel Cooke is a journalist based in Louisville, KY. His love of technology often drives his stories, which also center around social media, content creation, and marketing. You can follow him on Twitter @RusselCooke2.

Mobile security infestation [Infographics] Mobile security infestation [Infographics] Reviewed by Rishal Dwivedi on 02:58 Rating: 5

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